A guide to adding Virtual Personal Training Services to expand your offering

Whatever the reason, offering virtual services is a great way to grow your business and take it into the digital era 

This eBook outlines steps to take in order to successfully take your Fitness Business online, including:

  • The fundamental things you need to have in place before you tell your clients about your online services.
  • Determining the best ways you can sell yourself and your services.
  • Positioning yourself specifically as an 'Virtual Personal Trainer' so potential clients see you as an expert.
  • Adding online fitness packages to your business model.
  • Deciding how to effectively price your new online services.

After downloading this eBook, check out this growth strategy to expand your PT business. 

What's inside?

4 steps to move your business online and provide comprehensive virtual training services

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Ensure you have the fundamentals in place to enable your Virtual Fitness Business.

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Your Services

The best ways to sell your new Virtual Services online and offline.

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This is about positioning yourself as an expert at what you do -both in-person and virtually.

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Online Packages & Effective Pricing

Develop packages specifically for online clients, taking into account the different factors when pricing.


Taking your business online opens up more opportunities for business growth. Online Personal Training is great because it gives you plenty of time flexibility and it allows you to recruit clients internationally.

This eBook is the ultimate resource to help you get started.


Download the eBook now

The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Personal Training Business (3)-min